Television Viewing Habits and Social Media Connection During the Summer
The heat is on. As summer rears its head with scorching temperatures across the U.S., a few interesting trends are developing.
According to Business Insider, metropolitan cities in the south as well as the Pacific Coast are seeing population influxes despite the less-than-friendly temperature spikes in these areas during the summer months. Keep these geographical trends in mind when booking, buying and selling media through the third and fourth quarters of sales this year.
Perhaps the hot weather is not as much of a factor when many Americans are inside enjoying central air-conditioning and their favorite shows on television. But advertisers beware: a recent report shows that despite the variety of television stations and shows people watch on a daily basis, when it comes to commercial breaks, viewers check-out of the advertisements and check-in to social media platforms.
To capitalize on viewership during commercial breaks, advertisers are tapping into social media platforms to ensure reaching the maximum amount of viewers. Using social media for advertising purposes has the potential of reaching a more diverse audience as well as allowing for a more interactive experience between brands and consumers.
Chloe Daws
Media Buyer
DX Media Direct